Royalford 3-in-1 Adjustable Organizer Basket | 11x25x36cm | RF10931| Multi-Purpose Cabinet Door Plastic Organizer| Perfect for Wardrobe, Pantry, Kitchen Cabinet, Bathroom| Easy to Use and Easy to Maintain| Stylish, Compact and Modern Design| White

Royalford 3-in-1 Adjustable Organizer Basket | 11x25x36cm | RF10931| Multi-Purpose Cabinet Door Plastic Organizer| Perfect for Wardrobe, Pantry, Kitchen Cabinet, Bathroom| Easy to Use and Easy to Maintain| Stylish, Compact and Modern Design| White

SKU: RF10931

De-clutter and organize your space with the newly designed 3-in-1 adjustable organizer basket from Royalford. Designed and manufactured from the finest quality plastic, this organizer basket is highly durable and built to last a lifetime. This organizer fits wardrobes, pantry cabinets, vanities, kitchen cabinets, office desks, bookshelves, and all cabinet doors. It is easy to assemble; you just need to hang it on the door of your shelf. The grid board with 3 baskets will hold your things neatly in place. The organizer can be removed whenever you want and reattached wherever you need it. As a result of its strong and sturdy construction, it can withstand enough weight and stay in place without bending or sagging. The lightweight and portable design make it easy to carry around. The organizer is suitable for storing craft supplies, makeup products, kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, and other small accessories. The baskets and the rack are easy to clean and easy to maintain. The compact size, modern design, and neutral white color make it an attractive option. The basket measures 17-20 mm and the product measures 11x25x36cm in size and weighs 0.415kg.